Engures volunteer firefighter association
Hello and welcome on our modest, but hopefully useful page!
Briefly about us:
We are a group of active residents of the parish who care about the safety of their lives and property, as well as that of their neighbors. Also, in cooperation with the State Fire and Rescue Service, we help take care of safety on the coast of the Gulf of Riga adjacent to us. Anyone who wants and can participate in achieving common goals is welcome to join the association.
How you can help us:
First of all, it is financing - the association exists from members' money and donations from residents and businessmen, there is also a little help from the municipality, but even with all this, it is still only enough for survival, and development needs more.
We are currently collecting donations to purchase a new (or rather another, about 30 years "new") operational transport. It will also require funds to equip it. The premises assigned to the association also require minimal functional repair. We will handle the work ourselves but need funds to purchase materials. If there is someone who can donate a garage door or some other materials - you need to contact us, and we will tell you in more detail.
Secondly, it is membership in the association itself - we don't need only firefighters, active residents of village communities who know the residents and can spread information about the association, or, in case of an accident, help to find the relevant building/address faster, help to find water intake points or open the gate of the property and stop the dog are just as important! There will be something for everyone.
Third - contacts! People who can help search and purchase equipment and devices in other countries! Our budget doesn't allow us to look at new and shiny "toys" or uniforms, but we don't need to either, second-hand uniforms and equipment are perfectly adequate for our needs - but that too needs to be found, purchased and delivered to Engure, and it needs contacts - maybe that's how you can help us!
Fourthly - help the widest possible circle of people learn about us, maybe your friends, relatives, and neighbors are the person who can help us!
The goal is what unites us - the main thing is to want to help and then we will figure out how to do it together, you need to write to us at bub@engure.lv.
Together we can do more!
You can find more information about us on Facebook and/or Instagram, there it will only be in Latvian, but there is a mechanical translation.
Even if this was our only "meeting", thank you for your attention, and good luck in the future!
Please help us help you!
For donations:
Engures Brivpratigo ugunsdzeseju biedriba
Registration No.: 40008326049
Account: LV47HABA0551054933957